Parent Coaching

Helping Your Child to Have a Growth Mindset Instead of a Fixed Mindset

Children are capable of learning incredible things. Maybe you’ve been in awe of your child’s imagination before or found yourself surprised by some of the interesting and curious questions they ask.

As a parent, of course, you want your child to be happy and to achieve great things. To do that, it’s important to encourage a growth mindset, rather than a fixed one.

Managing Parent Stress (Especially During a Pandemic!)

Parenting is one of the most rewarding things in the world. But any parent will tell you, it can also be one of the most stressful things.

This has been especially true for parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. As the weeks have turned into many months, parents have had to grapple with an ever-changing normal and the anxiety and stress of parenting has begun to take its toll on many, if not most, parents.

Teaching Money Management to Children: 5 Key Lessons

Depending on how old your children are, you might not think much about the importance of teaching them money management. But the reality is, you’re already teaching them, even if you don’t realize it.

Kids are perceptive. You probably already know that as a parent. But most parents don’t recognize that their children are watching the way they manage money too.

Thus, the first way to teach your children how to manage money is to set a good example. Take a look at your own spending habits.

Beyond that, what else can you do to teach your children more about money management?

New Year’s Resolutions for Parents: 5 Ways to Start the Year Off Right

The start of a new year tends to make people think about goals and resolutions they’d like to accomplish. Whether it’s to lose weight, get more organized, or get better sleep—New Year’s Resolutions are often fairly traditional. 

When you’re a parent, though, your objectives for the new year can be different. 

This year, don’t just think about some of the more “common” resolutions when you consider your goals and aspirations. Think about what you can resolve to do in order to be a better parent, partner, and person.

Tips for Helping Your Toddler or Preschooler Handle Big Emotions

It’s not uncommon for children to get upset. We often forget that little people can have big (sometimes very big) emotions.

The problem? If you have a toddler or preschooler, they may not always be able to express those emotions the way they want, even if they are viewed as bright or gifted in other areas. And that can be frustrating for everyone.

Why a bedtime routine can build awesome confidence in children

I would like to start off by saying that my husband should have been the guest blogger for today’s post. Why? Because he typically does the family bedtime routine and he is AWESOME at it! I mean amazingly awesome. By creating a routine for bedtime and establishing order during this process he has helped our son declare his independence and develop a stronger sense of self, foster a closeness between the two of them, contribute to our son feeling a sense of control over what happens to him, and feel respected and heard.