Parent Coaching

When the bully comes into your child's home

As parents it is hard to know how to protect our children from the dangers of cyber bullying. When I talk with others about childhood bullying, I always say, “When we were children at least the bully couldn’t follow you into your house.” Social media and the internet have made it possible for bullying to occur 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It has also made it possible for people to join in bullying and they may not even personally know the victim.

Strengthening the Parent-Child Relationship: Building A Bond That Will Last a Lifetime

It’s Thursday night and your car spins into the parking lot of the school for your child. You hurriedly park, grab your car keys, and rush out the car into the school building. You speed walk into your child’s classroom, grab them by the hand, and then rush back into the car to fight the evening traffic. Once you arrive home it is like a mad dash – homework, dinner, wiping of noses and/or tears, cleaning up after everyone, brief moments of adult conversation (if you’re lucky), baths, story time, and then bed. As you sink into the chair or your bed later that night, you may wonder whether you actually spent any quality time with your child or rather did you just participate in a human assembly line of child rearing tasks?

Is Homework Driving Your Family Crazy? Three Quick Tips for Tackling The Homework Battle.

School has ended for the day. Your child is home and feeling exhausted from a long, and possibly stressful, day at school. Although it is likely that your child would like to do nothing more than toss their backpack in a corner and savor every glorious minute of their evening before bedtime, you must remind them that they have homework to complete.