reading disorder

Understanding Dyslexia: Part One

Approximately once per week I receive a call from a parent, college student, or adult wanting to understand more about Dyslexia. There are many articles on the internet, numerous conversations on listservs, and a lot of individuals who are ready to disseminate information to others based on their own personal experience or readings about Dyslexia. Some of this information is accurate and some of this information is completely inaccurate. Consequently, when parents call me, I sometimes ask what they already know about Dyslexia. In addition to scheduling families for evaluations, my goal is to educate and empower families with information that is accurate. Therefore, in today’s blog post I am going to reveal my responses to commonly asked questions that families have for me about Dyslexia. I will also share a second blog post about possible components of a Dyslexia evaluation and recommended instructional strategies for children identified with Dyslexia.